Page 15 - Plesner CSR UK 2018
P. 15

When companies choose to open their doors to these young people, it has a ripple effect and inspires others through the positive narratives. All things considered, I find it extremely important that senior corporate management supports CSR projects and
the opportunity to join a School Project like ours. In my own organisation, management strongly supports employee participation
in such projects. In the police force, we are happy to invite young people to open house events, guided tours, dialogue meetings, etc. to increase their awareness of the work we do. And every time it gives new energy and excitement to our workplace.”
If he can do it, so can I
Hussain Ali Alhaidary, 29, assistant attorney in Plesner’s Insolvency and Reconstruction practice. A School Project role model for about six months.
“I basically want to make a difference to oth- ers in my local community. I joined the School Project in the hope of helping young people who feel abandoned by school and society.
As a role model, I want to help change their views on the educational establishment, the labour market and society in general.
Pointing out that there is more than one way in life and that it’s good to try different things before you make up your mind is an important message. I tried a lot of things myself before choosing the law and deciding to become a lawyer. I worked as a baggage handler, a security guard and a childcare
assistant, among other things. The young people look up to us as role models. I can tell that they think: Hmm, if he can do it, so can I!
Given my own background, I’m able to relate to some of the young people’s challenges and problems. I know what they’re going through and I hope to give them some tools to help them along. But they have to make an ef-
fort themselves. Lately, we’ve been working specifically on setting goals, writing good traineeship applications and preparing for job interviews.
As role models, we’re able to win the confi- dence of the young people. This becomes par- ticularly clear when we discuss more personal or taboo subjects. We’ve had some very good talks about the meaning of life, illegal stream- ing and homosexuality. Every time we visit the classes, I see the young people’s views and boundaries shifting.
I’ve expanded my network and met other very committed role models in the School Project. This group constitutes a very special com- munity that differs from an “ordinary” work- place. As a role model, I also get the chance to develop my communication skills, which
is extremely relevant to my work life, where I interact with a lot of different people from very different social backgrounds.
I strongly recommend that others reach out to young school pupils and show an interest in them. Whether you want to make a difference to young people as a private person or as a company, you will very quickly see that they are extremely curious and interested in you or your company.”

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