Page 24 - Plesner CSR UK 2018
P. 24

Phillip Giede Bøving
Assistant Attorney
Corporate Regulatory & Compliance
“The Morocco trip was amazing. Getting
out of the office and being in such an exotic setting gave a new perspective on everyday worklife. Having an informal and relaxed time with colleagues far away from our busy work- ing environment was also great.
In my department, we have become more aware of energy levels and how one type of energy can affect another type. We have also realised that everyday things are extremely important in the context of an entire working life. A one degree change can lead to huge positive results.
We support each other in developing sound routines and staying active, for instance by running after work or attending morning yoga classes at the office. We have also intro- duced a daily team challenge to burn some physical energy at midday.
The central lesson for me personally is the importance of considering how you use your energy, which goals you wish to pursue and how you organise your workday in order to reach these goals. Sound, energising routines in your private and your working life are a good investment and the key to performing to the best of your ability.”
Tanja Mou Jakobsen
Executive Assistant
“The trip to Morocco with my colleagues was a great experience and an energy booster for all of us. The house was buzzing with new energy Monday morning after the trip – which was really great to see!
In my opinion, working with Full Engage- ment is a healthy reminder to all of us to not only be present, but to also show presence of mind. If your mental presence is somewhere else than your physical presence, you’re wast- ing your energy.
And it’s important to remember to recharge your batteries so you don’t just discharge energy throughout the day. You need to evaluate whether doing what you do gives you good energy, because if it does, you are building a surplus that you can draw on when you really need to work at full throttle.”

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