Page 27 - Plesner CSR UK 2018
P. 27

New habits
Not everyone agrees that variety is the spice of life – and food is no exception! Nevertheless, our new and much greener profile has proven a great success after just a few months.
Choosing and stipulating the requirements for our new caterers gave us occasion
to consider how we could inspire and contribute to a sustainable environment - including our in-house environment. This led to the establishment of an Activity Committee, which in the past reporting period set up yoga and meditation classes, step training, a badminton club, distance running, team training on the “Fitness roof” and, through the WannaSport app, access for all employees to book ball games and other activities. The new activities are in great demand.
Biodegradable packaging
Due to our purchasing policy, our main focus when selecting suppliers through
the past many years has been on the environment. For each purchasing transaction, we determine the specific environmental standards we wish to pursue. We thus made it clear to our new caterers, for instance, that we will definitively switch from plastic packaging to biodegradable packaging during the coming year. Our goal is to gradually increase the recycled share of our total waste volume. In the reporting period, approximately 90% of our volume of waste was recycled.
LED low energy everywhere
Six years ago, Plesner began a gradual transition to LED lighting. Back then, ex- perts said that LED could “potentially” lead to massive energy savings. This has proven correct, and LED is still the optimal energy solution. We have therefore continued the work to replace more light sources with LED during the past reporting period. Low energy solutions are advancing fast. We are monitoring these developments and always seek to use the most eco-friendly low-ener- gy light sources.

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