Page 4 - Plesner Pre-Moot 2018 FINAL
P. 4
Structure of the Pre-Moot
Six Rounds of Argument
The Plesner Pre-Moot 2018 will serve as preparation for the oral arguments in the 25th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, and the Pre-Moot will thus be based on the problem of the Vis Moot and will otherwise be conducted under the same rules as applied in the Vis Moot. The participating arbitrators in the Pre- Moot (three for each round of argument) will all be experienced practitioners in the field of international dispute resolution.
During the Pre-Moot, each team will conduct five rounds of oral argument (similar to the "General Rounds" in Vienna) and a final round for 1st to 3rd place and secondary places (similar to the "Elimination Rounds" in Vienna). Each team will thus plead in six rounds (regardless of the team's score) and plead at least twice as Claimant and twice as Respondent.
Scoring & Feedback
In the first five rounds, all teams will be scored by the arbitrators similar to the scoring system used in Vienna for the "General Rounds". There will be no scoring in the final (sixth) round, as the arbitrators will choose the best teams on the basis of an overall assessment of their performance in the final round.
All teams will receive feedback from the respective arbitrators after each round of argument (apart from the final round). After the Pre-Moot, all team scores and individual scores will be sent to the respective teams.