Page 6 - CSR_2016_UK_Final
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The coming year
Our evaluations show that the mentoring scheme for women lawyers has been a success and we therefore have a strong wish to continue the scheme. However, a permission from the Danish Ministry of Justice is required to continue such an initiative beyond a two-year period and we do hope that our application will be granted. We are also still working on ensuring the participation of relevant profiles from the Danish business community to be able to make the best possible mentoring available to our mentees.
During the coming year we will continue organising panel discussions about topics that will appeal to and inspire our female talents. We are also consid- ering other initiatives that will inspire our woman lawyers to become Plesner partners.
Environment and climate The past year
Our energy consumption is comparable with that of last year and that is consistent with our goal for the period and must therefore be described as satisfactory. Retaining this level is a result of several energy-saving initiatives taken in recent years, including replacing most light sources with LED lights and optimising all technical plants.
During the past year, we have reached our goal to reduce our paper consumption by 5%, primarily as a result of an active effort to reduce the number of printouts .
As far as waste is concerned, our business partner Stena Recycling has advised that we have reached our goal, i.e. maximum recycling of the total quantity of waste. The result has been reached through consistent sorting and handling of our waste.
The coming year
We will continue to monitor our energy consumption closely and aspire to use the technically most energy-efficient solutions. We will also work actively to ensure further improvements by changing people’s behaviour. Even if the effect may seem negligible, we believe that additional energy may be saved during the coming period when we will focus on completely shutting down computers at night and turning off lights when we leave our offices.
As far as purchases are concerned, it is our goal to continue the positive development and to reduce our paper consumption by another 5% during the coming year. It is also our goal to continue the positive development in the area of waste management in order also to ensure maximum recycling of the total quantity of waste during the coming period.
It is our goal to increase the percentage of organic products served in our canteen and at meetings and obtain the silver badge issued by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. In order to do so, we constantly have to use 60-90% organic raw materials and other products.
European award for encouraging careers
For the third year running Plesner has been named the best Danish law firm in the category “Europe Women in Business Law 2016”. We consider the award from the leading international financial journal Euromoney to be a significant recognition of our efforts to motivate talented women lawyers to become partners.

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