Page 7 - CSR_2016_UK_Final
P. 7

Pro bono
As a central element of our CSR work we have committed ourselves to use our core competence, legal knowledge, for charitable work in our local community. The primary goal is clear: to support a good cause in our local community by offering to provide free legal advice to selected charitable organisations, focusing in particular on helping children and young people as well as people who are seriously ill.
Our provision of legal advice goes hand in hand with charity and developing the skills of law students. As the only law firm in Denmark we provide pro bono advice in collaboration with the Legal Debate Society at the University of Copenhagen. The purpose of the collaboration, known as Student Volunteers, is for law students, supported by lawyers from Plesner, to get an opportunity to become involved and strengthen their legal skills through practical work experience and at the same time to discover how rewarding voluntary work can be. Accordingly, this is a pro bono collaboration that creates value for all parties.
The past year
During the past year Student Volunteers has also undergone a positive development that benefits chari- table organisations as well as law students and Plesner employees. Today, we provide pro bono advice to seven charitable organisations (see the box) and they all indicate that they consider it a very valuable and professional collaboration. Both students and our own employees take pride in the help they are involved in providing on a voluntary basis.
Within the framework of Student Volunteers we receive very diverse legal work from the charitable
Selected organisations
Student Volunteers provide advice to the following Danish charitable organisations:
• Bryd Tavsheden (Break the Silence - a Danish non-governmental organization for individuals exposed to domestic violence)
• Børns Vilkår (Children’s Welfare)
• Julemærkefonden (The Christmas Seal
• Red Barnet Ungdom (Danish Child Rights
• Scleroseforeningen (The Danish Multiple
Sclerosis Society)
• Make-A-Wish Ønskefonden (The Make-A-
Wish Foundation)
• Muskelsvindfonden (The Muscular Dystro- phy Foundation)

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