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organisations. It makes demands on the professional skills and qualifications of the law students selected every six months to join the collaboration. All work is performed in close cooperation with experienced Plesner lawyers and it covers all important aspects of commercial law.
The collaboration includes everything from small assignments on an ad hoc basis such as drafting and quality checks of contracts and agreements to large and more complex issues requiring legal expertise. Examples of Plesner’s assistance to the organisations:
• Drafting and/or reviewing rental and leasing agreements
• Drafting and/or reviewing employment and collaboration agreements
• Handling disputes with third parties, including matters concerning the infringement of intellectual property rights
• Closing down charities and other organisational changes
• Providing advice on legal matters in relation to the organisation of charitable events
Twenty students have provided advice as Student Volunteers during the most recent reporting period. More than forty Plesner assistant attorneys, attorneys and partners have spent more than 1,000 hours on pro bono project work. To this number should be added a significant number of hours invested by secretarial and administrative staff.
The coming year
We continuously work on optimising and making the Student Volunteers project more professional in order to be able to provide the best possible service to the charitable organisations involved. Due to the extensive coordination involved in screening and allocating work between the many parties involved in the Student Volunteers programme, we will also focus our attention on minimising the time spent on administration and coordination in order to free extra time for legal work. During the coming year we will work specifically on optimising our internal work procedures. It is expected that this will enable us to provide even quicker service to the present organisations, and to enable us to offer advice to an even larger number of charitable organisations.