Page 8 - Plesner CSR UK 2018
P. 8

The Muscular Dystrophy Foundation’s
interaction with Plesner in the past year mainly consisted of questions and re- quests related to data protection law and in particular the EU General Data Protec- tion Regulation, which came into force
in May 2018. New legislation passed in 2018 concerning payments will mean that a number of summer festivals, includ-
ing the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation’s Green Concert and Cirkus Summarum, are no longer obliged to receive payments in cash.
The Muscular Dystrophy Foundation’s is an organisation that since 1971 has helped people with muscular dystrophy and their families live active lives as full members
of society. The organisation’s objective is to provide the best possible conditions for people with disabilities.
Lea Ljungberg Haldrup,
Financial Controller, the Muscular Dys- trophy Foundation:
”Our partnership with Plesner on data pro- tection legislation has enabled us to train relevant employees within this area. Through Plesner’s certification programmes, we were also able to participate in GDPR networks, which has been very helpful in relation to our work with the new Regulation.
Again this year, Plesner assisted us in apply- ing for the Green Concert and Cirkus Sum- marum to be held as cash-free events. This resulted in a permanent exemption from the requirement to receive payment in cash in connection with these events.
At a more general level, Plesner provides
us with legal guidance in a multitude of specialist areas. We send our requests to
a permanent contact, who promptly finds the right person to solve the task. This is the ideal approach for us, as it gives us speedy access to the relevant skills. Being able to present a more professional profile in our dealings with business partners, members, volunteers and society in general is invaluable to us.”

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